Police Department

MISSION          ROSTER          NOTICES          FORMS

Ashland Police Department
P.O. Box 885
20 Highland Street
Ashland, NH 03217
Phone (Non-Emergency): (603) 968-4000
Emergencies: 911

Police Chief: William R. Ulwick  wulwick@ashland.nh.gov


The Ashland Police Department strives to enhance the quality of life in the Town of Ashland by affirmatively promoting, preserving and delivering a feeling of security and safety through services and education to all members of our community.


Chief William R. Ulwick  wulwick@ashland.nh.gov
Lt. Derek Gray  dgray@ashland.nh.gov
Sgt. John Moretto  jmoretto@ashland.nh.gov
Officer Nicholas Shannahan nshannahan@ashland.nh.gov
Officer Madeline Kabasakalian mkabasakalian@ashland.nh.gov
Officer Mason Dalphonse mdalphonse@ashland.nh.gov
Officer Donald Marren (part-time)

Prosecutor: Elizabeth Alden ealden@gcao.us   603-728-5297


Call Box CALL BOXIn an effort to better serve the public, the Police Station is now equipped with a call box for when there is no officer in the building.  Pushing the button will connect directly to dispatch and an officer can be sent to meet with the individual at the station.


GOOD MORNING PROGRAMThis program is offered to elderly citizens who live by themselves. Participants can call and check in before 10:00 am. For more information on participation in the program, please contact 603-968-7772. Sponsored by the Ashland Fire Department and Ashland Police Department.

NH Hands Free Law took effect July 1, 2015

Free gun locks are available for residents of Ashland

Police Department Study Committee