Health Officer: Kendall Hughes
Deputy Health Officer: Antonio “Devon” Thibeault
New Hampshire Health Officer Association Newsletter: Summer 2024
Speare’s Flu Clinics have begun! Protect yourself and your family for the upcoming flu season with the flu vaccine. Let’s work together to keep our community safe and flu-free! Visit for more information.
For food safety following a power outage please visit: for more information.
Please remember to change the batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors!
For information on bird flu please visit:
The Health Officer and Deputy Health Officer:
- Enforce the New Hampshire public health rules and laws, as well as local ordinances and regulations
- Serve as a liaison between state officials and the local community on issues concerning local public health
The Health Officer’s and the Deputy Health Officer’s responsibilities include:
- Inspect daycare/foster homes and local schools
- Inspect septic systems to certify failure
- Enforce minimum standards for rental housing
- Provide information on public health related topics
- Investigate complaints regarding local public health concerns
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
Welfare Officer: Michael Bernier
- Ashland Welfare Guidelines (updated September 2019)
- Welfare Application
Welfare applications are available upon request at the Town Office. Please complete the application and return it to the Town Office during regular business hours.
The Welfare Officer:
- Oversees the provision of short-term assistance or emergency aid in crisis situations for the essentials of daily living
- May also make referrals to other local, regional and state assistance agencies and programs
The assistance process includes a written application, financial review and interview. Contact the Town Office to schedule an appointment for an interview with the Welfare Officer. All information provided is and will remain confidential.
The Fuel Assistance and the Electrical Assistance programs through TCCAP for 2019-20 are available. A general information flyer is HERE and the application form is HERE.