Board of Selectmen

The Town of Ashland is governed by a five-member Board of Selectmen, who are elected for staggered three-year terms. The Board of Selectmen acts as an executive, managerial and administrative body of oversight that coordinates the on-going work of all departments, boards, committees, commissions, councils, and officers, as well as other miscellaneous matters. They are assisted by the Town Manager.

Mission Statement                Board Members                 Meeting Information              Minutes   


The Ashland Board of Selectmen seek to build and maintain the public’s trust and understand the public’s needs by providing a friendly proactive leadership, sound financial management practices and operate a cost-effective and efficient open and engaging town government.

  • Collaborative, objective, fact-based decision process
  • Transparent government
  • Honesty and high ethical standards
  • Fair, friendly, and responsive customer service
  • Planning for present and future needs
  • Communication and coordination with town and regional commissions, committees, departments and boards to help ensure inclusive and effective actions

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2025 BOS Schedule (subject to change)


Andy Fitch  (term expires 2027)
P.O. Box 517, Ashland NH 03217
Telephone: (603) 968-4432
Chair, Board of Selectmen
Ex-Officio Member of Budget Committee

Ann-Marie Barney (term expires 2026)
P.O. Box 517, Ashland NH 03217
Telephone: (603) 968-4432
Vice Chair, Board of Selectmen
Alternate, Ex-Officio Member of Budget Committee

Charles Bozzello  (term expires 2026)
P.O. Box 517, Ashland NH 03217
Telephone: (603) 968-4432

Meghan Semiao  (term expires 2027)
P.O. Box 517, Ashland NH 03217
Telephone: (603) 968-4432
Ex-Officio Member of Planning Board

Jennie Angell (term expires 2028)
P.O. Box 517, Ashland NH 03217
Telephone: (603) 968-4432

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Regular Meetings: 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month, 5:30 pm 
Meeting Location: Conference Room at 6 Collins Street

*Meeting dates or locations may change due to various circumstances. Consult the Calendar on this website for specific information for each meeting. Notices of all meetings are posted on this website and at the Town Office.

Selected Ashland Town Ordinances and Regulations are listed on the Forms and Documents page.

Selectmen’s Meetings on Public Access Channel 1301

The regular Ashland Selectmen’s meetings are taped by the Pemi-Baker TV for later viewing. Videos prior to September 2012 are available here. Current videos are available online here

Videos of the regular Ashland Selectmen’s meetings are broadcast daily at 3pm on Channel 1301.